Friday, September 13, 2013

thermotron .field service... the special club - Starman (1972) HD--


start here-- take 5 minutes and tell me every-thing you know

thermotron .field service... the special club

At thermotron when U start in the field service job.. U .. R.. entering into a "special club"

that have special rules the will rule you 4 the time U .. R their and "beyond...

1.. i.. lied ..4 U

2.. Sombody... said..sombody said..

3.. tell them we will cover it under "WARRENTY"

4... What .. Have ..U... Heard ??

5... i don't know.. that's "ABOVE MY PAY GRADE"

Monday, November 30, 2009

Working the System..a Thermotron Tradition

BIG... John Tenbrink as a Thermotron Field Service Engineer..

trained his co-workers.. that after you installed a series of Start-up.. equipment..

you were supposted to take the extra copper pipe and bring it 2 the scrap yard..

then take everyone.. out for a FREE-- Lunch.. and Drinks..

After you completed the start-up and the sign off...

It was kind -of -a Thermotron Tradition..

AND if U remembered.. you "might" also take along the "Customer"

then you can write -it-off- on your expense .. account..

or just tell them.. .. that you "tried" to get them 2 -go 2- lunch..

and tell them .. 2 bring.-a-long..-- some-1- from their Department..

as a RE--WARD!!!.. IT'S NOW A pARTY !!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ask thermotron.. or the fruitcake lady.. who lies 2 U ?

Call up All Temp Engineering...

Ask mitch Kerr... what he thinks.. or if he can!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Make it HARD .. on him.. make it easy later.. passive agressive

AT thermotron .. the manager would send out co-workers to be nice 2 U .. 2 get close .. then they would send some one to Hake it HARD on .. u..

they.. they would say.."Welll he has a Problem .. relating to people !!

Thermotron training in Deceite

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thermotron management style ....MODEL CRIMINAL CODE CHAPTER 3: CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD...Originally posted by hvacpope

Hello BOB.... Barber how long have you been with thermotron?

I hear lots of bad things about them, do you work from home?

I haven't been here very long at all. Though I am by no means a seasoned veteran, I am a bit surprised that you hear lots of bad things about Thermotron.

What are some of the things that you hear?

(Please don't take this as me trying to discredit your statement, because that is certainly not my intention).

I know one thing that we do have problems with at times is finding enough qualified service technicians to give the customers the appropriate ammount of attention. Please feel free to share publicly or privately. I'm open to any and all feedback

I hear management likes the "work from home concept", they give you a fax machine and set you up with accounts..

the main problems are lack of support and most of the time you don’t make the 40 hours,
at some point there was a woman running the show and she didn’t know much about anything but screwing with techs pay,

are you a tech-salesman?,

I met an ex-thermotron tech through RSES and he hated them with passion.

Bob have a couple of questions.

I noticed that you said they were always looking for technicians.

When I was at the school they were trying to hire almost everyone who went through the class.

Which considering that most of us had paid to attend the class I felt it was in very bad taste.

Also do they still have their stance that they will not sell parts or anything to contractors because they are competition? I am just curious.

DEAN TRIPP said that when he worked "with" tom Bannach on the west coast.. that Tom Bannach was always trying to build a case "AGAINST" his co-workers.. so he could "defraud" them..and that tom bannach "really" didn not have the skill or "CHARACTER" to be a MANAGER...

Contact: All temp Engineering.. in california ... ask mitch kerr or JOHN DANE..

ask them what they think about thermotron.. MANAGERS.. and co-workers they knew..

Mitch Kerr's ..THERMOTRON REPLACEMENT... Gregory V Johnson..

Bragged that it didn't matter what Lies you said about your co-workers.. and who you robbed.. so long as you got away with it.!!

and it didn't matter at thermotron is the equipment worked or not...

"you are supposted to deceive the customer and get them to sign off on it!!"

Tom Bannach’s Experience

Service manager... 3 years west coast manager

Thermotron Industries
(Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry)

1968 — 1998 (30 years )

When Bill Bench Of

Russles Technical Products asked one former Thermotron employee why he left...

he was told.. that Tom Bannach was lying to everyone, and it didn't matter if you did a Good job... or a BAd job... any more..

Thomas Patterson laughed .. and said ... ya ... that's tom .. 4..U


Title: Model Criminal Code Chapter 3: Conspiracy to Defraud - Discussion Paper

Type: Policy & Advocacy: Submission

Abstract: To: The Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorney-Generals

Whether the abolition of the offence of conspiracy to defraud would leave gaps in the law
The first issue raised by the Discussion Paper (Discussion Paper) titled Model Criminal Code Chapter 3 Conspiracy to Defraud, issued by the Model Criminal Code (MCC) Officers Committee of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (Committee), is whether the abolition of the offence of conspiracy to defraud would leave gaps in the law. The Discussion Paper concludes that a number of the possible gaps which might have been covered by the offence of conspiracy to defraud are specifically addressed in the MCC, or alternatively should not be the subject of specific prohibitions. The Institute agrees with the conclusion reached in the Discussion Paper, namely that such gaps would not justify the retention of the offence of conspiracy to defraud.

The Discussion Paper also notes that the offence of conspiracy to defraud may operate as a "legislative gap filler" in tax and corporate fraud cases, and recognises the view that this function may be inconsistent with certainty and non-retrospectivity in the criminal law. At the same time, the Discussion Paper recognises the contrary view, that the offence of conspiracy to defraud supplies a "legitimate and necessary means of catching novel forms of dishonesty which have escaped the specific attention of the legislature". A case in point, recognised by the Discussion Paper, is the use of the offence of conspiracy to defraud in prosecutions relating to "bottom of the harbour" schemes in the 1980s. On balance, the Institute agrees that it is desirable to retain the offence of conspiracy to defraud, in order to deal with novel offences which have not been the subject of specific statutory prohibition.

Use of the offence of conspiracy to defraud in prosecutions relating to breaches of directors' duties
The Discussion Paper notes the possibility that cases involving directors' duties, such as Yuill (1994) 77 A Crim R 314, could have proceeded as prosecutions for conspiracy to defraud rather than for breaches of directors' duties to act honestly. The Discussion Paper goes on to suggest that the retention of the offence of conspiracy to defraud is supported by "the fact that the directors' duties provisions of the Corporations Law (the combination of s1317FA and s232) are so extraordinarily complex and arguably unworkable", and by the possibility that "the stigma of a conviction for [directors' duties] offences and the available penalties may not adequately reflect their true criminality" (p25).There appears to be a misunderstanding on the part of the Committee in its evaluation of the current interpretation of rules which prohibit behaviour by directors in terms not dissimilar to the terms of an action for a conspiracy to defraud. Whilst there was a perception for many years that the general prohibitions against directors which involved, amongst other things, misusing their position, misusing information, or failing to act with appropriate honesty, were too difficult to establish in the courts, a series of recent cases, culminating in the High Court decision of R v Byrnes ((1995 130 ALR 529), demonstrates that the courts can and do, in appropriate circumstances, deal with these issues in a satisfactory way. It is suggested that the Committee examine these decisions, which the Institute believes will lead it to make some amendments to their comments in relation to the difficulty of pursuing claims against directors based on breaches of the Corporations Law.

The Corporate Law Simplification Task Force has also recommended that section 232(2) of the Corporations Law be amended by replacing the current wording (the duty to act honestly) with wording that will be along the lines that "Directors must act in good faith and for a proper purpose". This is in line with the common law duty on the part of directors, and may well eliminate any concerns which Committee may have in relation to the scope of this duty.

Further, while the introduction of the civil penalty provisions in Part 9.4B of the Corporations Law has undoubtedly complicated the Law, those provisions adopt recommendations made by the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs in November 1989, namely that breaches of the duty of care, diligence and good faith owed by directors should be subject only to civil penalties, where no dishonesty or intent to deceive exists. The Institute notes that, if no dishonesty or intent to defraud exists, the offence of conspiracy to defraud would not be established in any event, and will therefore add nothing to the law of directors' duties. If dishonesty or an intent to deceive exists, criminal sanctions are already available in relation to contraventions of the civil penalty provisions under s1317FA of the Corporations Law. A person convicted of such a contravention is liable to a maximum penalty of $200,000 and/or 5 years imprisonment and is prohibited from managing a corporation for 5 years except by leave of the Court.

The Institute is concerned that the use of the offence of conspiracy to defraud in proceedings relating to breaches of directors duties could be inconsistent with the provisions in the Corporations Law which deal with the timing of civil and criminal proceedings for breaches of directors' duties. Section 1317FB of the Corporations Law prevents the commencement of criminal proceedings for an offence constituted by a contravention of a civil penalty provision, if a person has already applied for a civil penalty order in relation to the same contravention, even if the application has been finally determined or otherwise disposed of. This section recognises the improper disadvantage to a defendant, if criminal proceedings could be brought against a defendant after the prosecution had taken advantage of the liberal rules relating to discovery in civil proceedings (Explanatory Memorandum to the Corporate Law Reform Bill 1992, para. 148). If the offence of conspiracy to defraud is to be retained, s1317FB should be amended to prevent criminal proceedings for conspiracy to defraud being brought if a person had already applied for a civil penalty order in relation to the same matter.

The Institute agrees with the view expressed at page 37 of the Discussion Paper that, where a substantive offence can be charged, that should be done rather than a charge of conspiracy to defraud being brought. In particular, the Institute is concerned at the possible use of the offence of conspiracy to defraud in prosecutions where the civil penalty regime introduced by Part 9.4B of the Corporations Law would otherwise apply. As a general proposition, the Institute considers that the offence of conspiracy to defraud should not be relied upon in prosecutions where an existing legislative prohibition is applicable. In particular, the use of the offence of conspiracy to defraud as a substitute for, or in combination with, the statutory offences created by s232 of the Corporations Law, would lead to uncertainty, and possibly to oppression of defendants who were faced with charges brought under each head.

The Institute notes that the maximum penalty of imprisonment for 5 years proposed for the offence of conspiracy to defraud is the same as the maximum penalty which is available for the breach of a civil penalty provision involving dishonesty or an intention to deceive or defraud under s1317FA and Schedule 3 of the Corporations Law. By contrast with the reasoning adopted at page 37 of the Discussion Paper in relation to the offences of theft and deception, this will provide no disincentive for the prosecution to charge conspiracy to defraud rather than relying on the substantive offences created by the Corporations Law.

Form of any offence of conspiracy to defraud
A further issue raised by the Discussion Paper is the form which any offence of conspiracy to defraud should take. Proposed clause 17.4 of the MCC extends the offence of conspiracy to defraud beyond an intent to cause loss or imperil the economic interests of another, to an intent to cause gain. The Discussion Paper recognises that the inclusion of an intent to cause gain could cause uncertainty, since the class of transactions where a persons intends to make a gain for that person is substantially wider than where a person intends to cause loss to another.

The Institute shares this concern, particularly where a company and its directors or officers could be alleged to be party to a conspiracy to defraud, by reason of deliberations of those directors or officers on behalf of that company. For example, a company may adopt an advertising strategy which is intended to increase its sales and thereby to make a gain, and its officers or directors may participate in the decision to adopt that strategy. This ordinary commercial decision would satisfy each element of proposed clause 17.4 of the MCC, other than the element of dishonesty. The Institute considers that the concept of "dishonesty" should not be left as the only barrier to routine commercial activities undertaken by companies and their officers and directors, bringing gain for the corporate entity, being classed as conspiracies to defraud.

The Institute submits that it would be preferable if the proposed clause 17.4 was limited, as is the general law of conspiracy to defraud, to the substantially smaller class of actions which are intended to cause a loss to another, imperil a person's economic interests or influence the exercise of a public duty. It notes that the extension of proposed clause 17.4 to conduct involving an intention to cause a gain appears to be inconsistent with the reasoning which led the Committee to reject a general dishonesty offence in the MCC.

The Discussion Paper recommends that conspiracy to defraud should be limited to economic gains or losses, except in the case of influencing the exercise of a public duty. Subject to its comments in paragraphs 3.2-3.2 above as to the undesirability of extending the offence to conduct intended to cause a gain, the Institute considers that such a limitation is appropriate.

Element of "intent"
The Institute notes that proposed clause 17.4(2) seeks to apply clause 11.5 of the MCC, with any necessary modification, to an offence against proposed clause 17.4. The Institute is concerned that it is unclear what modification should be made to clause 11.5(2)(b), in relation to the element of intent, in its application to clause 17.4, and considers that this should be clarified in the MCC. In particular, it is not clear that the clauses 17.4 and 11.5(2)(b), read together, would be sufficient to retain the principle that conspiracy to defraud may be established where a person has an intent to place at risk the economic interests of others although not necessarily to cause loss to them, as in Wai yu-Tsang [1992] 1 AC 269.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

thermotron field service training

Get your training on the road.. On--the--- JOB -- training

or at the annual thermotron service seminar..

every---one 000here---is----soooo---friendly !!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

training... Planting a HEAD..

field service and rental cars.. can be a challange ..

and Holland Michigan in the winter time.. can be a drag

Thursday, November 5, 2009

ask Mark lamers.. no strings on me

Mark Lamers
President at Thermotron Industries, Holland, MI
Mark Lamers

Thermotron Industries

Address (Join to View)

Holland, MI

Phone (Join to View)

Email (Join to View)

Mark Lamers's Co-workers at Thermotron Industries
Jeff Pikaart - Owner
Contacts with Similar Titles as Mark Lamers
Bruce Smith - Party Time Photos
Cyrus Afghahi - Novelics
Curt Thornton - Provision
Jason Cook - OneTrack Communications
Lucille Krakowski - Rst Reclaiming Co

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

thermotron .. i got your number !!

i hear about you !!!

Thermotron will train you to be a smooth operator...

just be positive !!

Monday, November 2, 2009

thermotron training.. in california style..

In california.. thomas bannach had years of training...

look at the gang .. he trained.. .. to lie cheat and steal...

Service manager
Thermotron Industries
(Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry)

1968 — 1998 (30 years)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

embezzlement TIP #928

Ask Mitch Kerr from all temp engineering... He told 1 former thermotron employee that the amount of embezzlement was more.. and greater .. after he left...


bragged that he was not as big of thief as hil ... a Holland boy .. California transplant.... and hil said he was not as big of thief as some guy named New vill.. and Mike Bars.. said that just put in a receipt, and you are "GOOD 2 GO"

As Greg.. demenstrated.. if you need 3 days. offf.with pay. just tell them that your Wife's mother or father died..

and have fun!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Jesus died 4.. you.. but it's OK

i like the version.. of Jesus in Holland michigan..

i didn't want to be dishonest and lie cheat .. and defraud .. you..

but they told me tooo

but Jesus died for my sins.. Ya......Ya ...Ya

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thermotron SALES Engineer.. Happy customer training

Know your customer's needs.. a good salesman is a CLOSER.. make it a HAPPY time

Keep your customer confortable... any way u can

Monday, October 12, 2009

Holland Michigan Church going Whores

thomas Bannach when he was a church going manager .. said

.."No one really hears from GOD..." because he dosen't !!

but he lies cheats and defrauds his co -workers .. daily.. and he really does not want to..

but you can.. if U want to..

This Week's Guest

Dr. Mark Virkler
August 31 - September 6, 2009

Do you struggle to hear God's voice clearly?

Then don't miss this special interview!

Dr. Mark Virkler has taught thousands to hear the voice of God. You can hear God's voice too!

Yes .. You don't have to live your life .. as a Holland Michigan Whore !!

unless u want ..2..!!

DO Uuu Like sock puppets ? at thermotron Uuu can become a sock puppet.. be a TEaM player as a Manager.. or Field service Technician

ck out the opportunity's .. Y ou can be a successful.. evil; sock puppet ?

and collect that "Regular Check "

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Get your Carreer... on line at Thermotron.. got a pair... ?

Field Service Opportunity Thermotron Industries Inc

El Segundo, CA 90245 Aug 18
Expand View Map Save |

More like this Thermotron Industries is seeking a dynamic

Field Service Technician to install, maintain, repair and upgrade our Test Chambers and equipment in a Los Angeles / El Segundo based territory.

We offer an e ... More
Field Service Opportunity Thermotron Industries Inc

Paterson, NJ 07501 Aug 18

Expand View Map Save |

More like this

Thermotron Industries is seeking a dynamic Field Service Technician to install, maintain, repair and upgrade our Test Chambers and equipment within

a Northern New Jersey Territory.

We offer an excelle ... More

Field Service Opportunity

Thermotron Industries Inc Baltimore, MD 21201 Aug 18

More like this Thermotron Industries is seeking a dynamic Field Service Technician to install, maintain, repair and upgrade our Test Chambers and equipment

in a Baltimore based Territory. We offer an excellent pay p ... More

Direct Sales Capital EquipmentThermotron Industries Inc

Simi Valley, CA 93063 Aug 18

More like this Thermotron Industries is seeking a dynamic and technical sales person to respresent our Test equipment products in a

Northern L.A./ Simi Valley based territory.

We are the leader in our industry with c ... More

Direct Sales Capital EquipmentThermotron Industries Inc

Baltimore, MD 21201 Aug 18

THERMOTRON.. Tip # 768......make it hard hard on him!! Opp's he has an attitude problem

JUST... REMEMBER...... an ass.. kicking is only fun .. if you are a spectator !!

Yes ... thomas bannach used to start making it hard on his co-workes by spreading the word..:

"He has a attitude problem"

this was followed .. by the GENERAL.. make it hard on them...

and this did make thermotron a high turn over company..

but ... the MOTTO was .. every--1-- is replaceable.. !!

Gee... that's a hard.. mental.. streeeeach !! not --2- original !!

as Mark lammers used to say... When R ..U ..leaving..??

Don't you know that Good people don't work here 4 ..2 ...long !!!

Daniel J Okeefe.. would then say.. "i heard about Uuuuu"


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

thermotron employment..opportunity never quits...

Electronic Systems Specialist

Thermotron Industries is a dynamic test equipment manufacturer with a reputation that leads our industry. We are currently seeking a: Strong Electronic Engineer with Software and Test capabilities. Th... Read More

Country: USA, Location: Huntsville AL

Field Service Technician : Refrigeration

Thermotron is one of the world's premier manufacturers and suppliers of Environmental Testing, Test System Integration, Screening, and Simulation Equipment. We also offer a fully complimented line of ... Read More

Country: USA, Location: Tampa FL

Reliability Manager

The Reliability Manager is the company lead on driving reliability initiatives to improve product reliability. Requirements include experience in DFR and New Product Qualifications, s... Read More
Country: USA, Location: Rochester NY

Field Service Technician

Thermotron is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of Environmental Test Chambers utilizing cascade refrigeration and related electrical and control circuitry. Visit us on the Internet at ww... Read More

Country: USA, Location: Los Angeles CA

Field Service Technician Refrigeration

Thermotron is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of Environmental Test Chambers utilizing cascade refrigeration and related electrical and control circuitry. Visit us on the Internet at ww... Read More
Country: USA, Location: Seattle WA

Monday, September 21, 2009

don't listen to the bull..s**it.. embezzlement tip # 345

ya it is true... if Uuu hire someone from thermotron.. in field service..

you get a first class.. liar and embezzler..

what to do if u hire a kiss.. ass.. or as Litton ind.. used to




Thursday, September 10, 2009

where is goooood old ....johnie boy??? New National Sales Manager at Envirotronics

»August, 2009

Gregg Nelson New National Sales Manager at Envirotronics

Envirotronics is pleased to announce that Gregg Nelson has joined our staff as National Sales Manager. Gregg assumes his new role at Envirotronics immediately.

Gregg comes to Envirotronics from Mann+Hummel USA, where he was the Sales Manager of the Heavy-Duty Products operation. Other experience includes many years with Baldwin Filters where Gregg held a number of positions-Director of O.E.M./National Account Sales, Senior Sales Account Manager, and Quality Assurance Manager/Operations Manager. Gregg holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Northern Illinois University.

Please join us as we welcome Gregg to the Envirotronics team.

Goo--leeee... where is john ten...brink?

January, 2007

John TenBrink Named National Sales Manager at Envirotronics

Mr. John TenBrink has been appointed to the position of National Sales Manager. John’s thirty years of experience in virtually every aspect of the Test Chamber Industry (20 years at Envirotronics) make him the ideal choice for this post at Envirotronics. We are pleased to have him in this position and look forward to the benefit of his guidance in our sales department.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

make it HARD of your co-worker ..with Plausible deniability

At Thermotron it was normal to .. make it hard and harass your co worker ..

the manager's would call u up.. and direct your actions..

and as Thomas Patterson said "either you go along with it .. or they attack you"

Plausible deniability

refers to the denial of blame in loose and informal chains of command where upper rungs quarantine the blame to the lower rungs.

In the case that illegal or otherwise disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such act or any connection to the agents used to carry out such act.

(Of course, career intelligence officers are not plausibly deniable, although outside intelligence agents may be.)

In politics and espionage, deniability refers to the ability of a "powerful player" or actor to avoid "blowback" by secretly arranging for an action to be taken on their behalf by a third party—ostensibly unconnected with the major player.

In political campaigns, plausible deniability enables candidates to stay "clean" and denounce advertisements that use unethical approaches or innuendo based on opposition research.

More generally, "plausible deniability"

can also apply to any act that leaves little or no evidence of wrongdoing or abuse. Examples of this are the use of electricity,

waterboarding or pain-compliance holds as a means of torture or punishment, leaving little or no tangible signs that the abuse ever took place.

July 30, 2008
Recent court

Recent court decision makes it easier for employees to plead claim of hostile work environment
Pleading a claim of hostile work environment may now prove easier for employees thanks to a recent decision by the Appeals Court of Massachusetts. On June 3rd, the court ruled that an employee could bring a hostile work environment claim against his former employer even though the claim did not appear in the original complaint.

Massachusetts laws require employees to first file their grievances with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) before bringing an action in the Superior Court. The purpose of the MCAD prerequisite is to provide MCAD with a chance to investigate and mediate the discrimination claim while providing notice to the defendant of the possible claim. An employee is limited to pleading matters alleged in the MCAD complaint at trial.

In the recent decision, the plaintiff had filed the MCAD complaint alleging discrimination based on race, color, and national origin without specifically alleging a claim of hostile work environment. A claim for discrimination is different from a claim for hostile work environment because, in addition to the requirements necessary to prove discrimination, a plaintiff seeking to prove a hostile work environment must show that the abusive conduct was sufficiently severe and recurring to interfere with a reasonable person’s job performance.

Nevertheless, the court held that the plaintiff had stated sufficient facts on the MCAD complaint to sustain his claim in Superior Court by describing a work environment in which he was persistently subjected to racially abusive comments that were severe and pervasive enough to interfere with the performance of his work. In fact, the court noted that MCAD regulations did not require the complaint to state any specific legal theory and only required a concise statement of alleged discriminatory acts.

Because of this decision, it appears that an employee claiming discrimination also sufficiently states a claim for hostile work environment so long as the facts establish the discrimination was recurring. Employers facing litigation should assume that discrimination claims also state a claim for hostile work environment so long as the conduct was over a continued period of time.

Friday, July 31, 2009

enviromental chamber business.. opportunity

Ya U. can be a.. Hmmm a californa... chamber man

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Uuu Can't ..Do... THAT... !!!

aT THERMOTRON.. and the training they give you..

you are not allowed to .. expose... your co-workers .. who steal and rob.. the customer, or even rob you..!!

As thomas Patterson said..

"Gee... when you complained that they were "high" and drunk on the job.." they ,,the management.. "ATTACKED" UUuuuu !!!

mitch kerr at all temp engineer ing..

will call you a "back stabber"

IF YOU.. THINK ROBBING THE CUSTOMER.. and your co w2orker.... not part of the job...opportunity !!

as will dave durham.. or john tenbrink.. and thomas bannach.. and hil sysbesma.. consider it normal;;..

because thermotron and all companies.. are CURRUPT...

Even Randy (dumb as they come) Bunn... from ENSECO.. california service company.. would hire the thieves and embezzler's

from thermotron's STABLE... of liars and ..deceivers..

ASK... ALLTEMPENGINEERING... in san hose..eee. .. john dane..

california people seem to "TAKE IT IN STRIDE!!!"

Ya... fred plont will is another 1..

but it all starts at the top with... Daniel J. Okeefe..

with the thermotron ....."MOTO"

Lie to the customer ..cuz...every-one does... it..

and LIE to the employee.... CUZ... every-one does it..

make sure the "numers LOOK ... GOOD..!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What do U think ?? pretty much like Uuuu.. i understand

at thermotron ... if some one asks U what u think...

REDIRECT their attention .. by asking.. then what do THEY think ??

then say... welllll that's pretty much want i .. think 2...

now they will... "like u" and think they "relate " to you..

Welcome to the Attention Deficit Disorder Association website!

In order to make the site more relevant and user-friendly for the adult ADHD audience we are currently in the midst of a complete website redesign.

Our goal is to improve the website experience for both our members and visitors.

a fit at thermotron.. homies... the customer is some..1.. who...

just stick a straw into.. the customer's head... and suck--out their brains .. until their skull .... caves... in...

now big deal... there is another SUCKER... coming down the line..

Friday, July 24, 2009

thomas bannach.. training.. and mentoring ..embezzlement tip. #.767

under thomas bannach at thermotron.. he said EVERYONE is the manager.. the meaning of this is.. EVERY 1... is a snitch. and a back--stabber..

what was typical.. was Gregory V Johnson.. told .. his co-worker to .. take the service van to get repaired at .. a "friend" of his... and that service company would do you a "favor"..

then he would go behind your... back... and say to thomas bannach... Hey i don't know how to tell Uuuu this.... BUT..!!!!!

hil... sysbesma did the same thig.. as thomas PATTERSON.. told.. a group of co-workers..

and DEAN TRIPP... was famious ... for lying a back stabbing..

BUT it's ok because...

DANIEL J Okeefe the prezz... a ....dent...

did this.. when he had AN EMPLOYEE ATTITUDE SURVERY....

then go rid of every one... who might be vested in the retirement program..




Wednesday, July 22, 2009

thermotron field service training

Ya ... it's true/...... you can't tell a dummy anything!!!

Geee chamberman ... i believe... Uuuuu.. ,

but can Uuuu even tell the difference between a LIE.. and the truth..

As many of the liars and thieves ..I HAVE WORKED WITH SAID.. said...

Tell a Dummy .. a lie that they WANT 2 BELIEVE..

and it is 21 times (21 x 1= ?) harder ..

to get them to realize and accept the TRUTH,..

AND realize that they were lied 2

Monday, July 20, 2009

i hate 2 tell U.. but U..R.. A.. retard.. or a use-full IDOIT

thermotron is the winner of all the places employed.. where it is ok to be a pervert.. a retard.. a thief.. an embezzler.. a liar..a deceiver..

Ask ...... HERBERT -- THE -- PERVERT... who is with tenny...

or maybe ....Richard... santa maria... in cost accounting...

john dane is funny... at all temp engineering...... he is the youngest... field service engineer that ever worked at thermotron..

as thomas bannach.. and others.. said... Geee. i didn't .. know how to sPEll eNGINeeR.. and Now ...i ..1.!!!

in actually... fact... john dane and mitch got their training ENSECO,.. INC.. .. with randy.. BUNN...

and his old man...BIG..BUNN..

and as mitch kerr... said...

they didn't hire.. people from thermotron... who.. were trained , qualified.. and traveled...

ya ... gota be a california ... liar and thief.. to fit in the environmental chamber business...

Ask... "oLD"... Ed Flowers....the sales... whore in LA... he believes .. mitch kerr's lies, all though .. rundy bunn from ENSECO.. said john dane was a bigger back stabber.. but who can say???

ask john dane... or thomas bannach... oh..i know.. Fred-less Plont..

Monday, July 13, 2009

thermotron sales...darn bo Bjarno went back to (DE..) Europe

Ya he was a classic .. salesman.. for thermotron..

Access — Locate — Reunite
Located: BO W BJARNO
Age: 64
City: Lady Lake
State: FL

Bo W Bjarno, Age 65
Get a Detailed Report Includes:

Phone Number

Date of Birth

View Details Previous Cities:

Palo Alto, CA (1)
Mtn View, CA (1)
Mountain View, CA (2)

Newark, DE (1)

Lady Lake, FL (1)
Known Relatives:

Grethe Marie Bjarno
Buw W Bjarno

Monday, June 29, 2009

It's your FAULT !!



for his nations service managers..

roger cannary... his first choice.. lasted a few years.. lying and defrading his
co-workers.. his dealing's with Litton Industries.. was his "cap -stone" mill achevement.. and he let thomas bannach "do his thing"
which was lie cheat and steal..

Dave waterfield replaced him... and he blamed the co-workers .. on the west coast where thomas bannach was the "head"

for the robbery thieft and embezzlement... Gee the Office where Gregory V johnson and Hil.. sysbesma.. worked ... stood out like a "SORE THUMB" with high expenses..

Geeee... wasn't thomas bannach responsible for that???

then Ron Wiley... who bragged that he was a "GOOD LIAR"..

and he couldn't find any qualified people to work on the equipment..

ya we don't do that any more... !!!!

besides.... it's your fault!!!

Subject: Engg Vs Mgmt

A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost.

He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below.He descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me,can you help me?

I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don'tknow where I am.

"The woman below replied,"You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground.

You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."

"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist.

"I am," replied the woman,

"How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist,"everything you told me is, technically correct,

but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost.

Frankly, you've not been much help at all.

If anything, you've delayed my trip.

"The woman below responded,

"You must be in Management."

"I am," replied the balloonist,

"but how did you know?"

"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're going.

You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air.

You made a promise which you've no idea how to Keep, and you expect peoplebeneath you to solve your problems.

The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met,

but now, somehow,

it's my fault."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

EMBZZLEMENT.. is FUN... and 4 ..profit


Ya... when at .. thermotron.. ask mitch Kerr.. in california.. about the embezzlement at thermotron..

aske him.. and he told one guy.. that it wasn';t as high as when hil sysbesma, and thomas bannach were there..

ask gregory v johnson..

He beragged that it didn';t matter who you robbed or cheated..

so long as you get away with it.. and blame it on someone else..

Ask Daniel J Okeefe about it..

and he will lie to you ... then haress you and drum you out of the company, and slander your character...

no big deal... "it's just Politics"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

thermotron.. "N" Holland Michigan Whores


Holland,the name decribes it pretty well (Hole-Land),

the land where the assholes (also named "dutch") come from.

The dutch hate the germans because Germany beats Holland on every single thing imaginable.

Holland is also the only country on the planet where immigrants have actually more rights then the dutch themself and make good use of them.

Dutch woman are known to sleep with everyone hence in Holland the best whores are free!

Only a dutchmen will actually pay for a whore

in Amsterdam.


A city in southwest Michigan known for its Tulip Festival

and a large population of repressed white Christian middle-class baby-boomers

desperatley seeking to stem the tide of modern culture and minority empowerment.

"We're going to Holland to see the Tulips and be judged by our appearance."

"They're the best kept secret in town,

lots of bargains to be had,

save lots of money and free parking...

" Because they tend to miss their "hol land"

don't be surprised if you hear them moaning aloud

about traditional english heritage, especially public taverns

real traditional... just like in their favourite pastie you would think?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

i didn't want ...2.... lie!!!!.. what could..... i...... do????

I just wanted to get along with her... and get some .."ACTION"

Monday, June 8, 2009

that's not really "STEALING".. clean christianity..

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