Thursday, December 18, 2014

thermotron - bob wiley - the Godfather ” of the “I Lied for You “


thermotron management training with thomas bannach — it’s All Good

The dutchboy Religious Holland Michigan Whore manager


The dutchboy Religious manager
conspired to defraud his co-workers;
and if someone didn’t go along with the stories (support his lies)
he would point suspicion about them by saying things like,
“they have a problem“.
Uuuuu has overlooked the character of a liar; a liar will:
3.steal and embezzle,
6.lead people astray,
7.blame it on someone else,
8.deny it,
9.then lie about it.
Everyone wishes everyone else’s discrediting, demotion, and ruin;
everyone is an expert in the confidential report, the pretended alliancethe stab in the back.
Over all this their good manners, their expressions of grave respect,
their “tributes” to one another’s invaluable services form a thin crust.
Every now and then it gets punctured, and the scalding lava of their hatred spurts out.
Seems that ole A.G. has taken a strange tack here.
I used to think that I had missed something by not moving directly from college into the weird world of neckties & suits & shoulderpads & high heels..
That is, until I got the last few jobs.
Now I can see that I didn’t miss anything. That I was blessed to have taken the narrow winding path instead.
My recent leap right smack into the world of mainstream has been a Piss-in-Your-Pants sort of exp.
Really! A non-stop journey through the Twilight Zone.
Astonishingly illuminating. Naturally, my response has been sharp and merciless.
It takes a good grip not to get sucked into the machinery.
But anyway, Jung said if you become highly individualized
(free thinker) , you can become independent of the mass consciousness.
It is these liberated individuals- who live outside the circle of the druid dance- who sometimes change the course of human history. (the Lutheran religion started thus)
Tis the hermits and pilgrims and magicians that will save us, if anyone can.
So, A.G., this is what I think:
There are two kinds of critics.
There are critics motivated by poison and insanity who criticize with the intention of causing pain (read Mein Kampf by A. Hitler);
and there are critics motivated by an intense optimism [now rare] who criticize for the sake of awakening rapture (read Island by A. Huxley).
I hallucinate that I am of the latter type. Thanks for your concern. What I’m doing is necessary to my voyage. Sorry it’s so weird.
Being a Seeker-of-Truth is a difficult path to walk, people want to hear what they want to hear… and what do they want to hear?
That they are fine, good, clever, smart and successful whom we all have a great deal of respect for.
ed. [Seeking human respect can be fatal, a fatal error]
The games that people play, reinforce whatever social rules they are trying to fulfil; Whatever dream or image they are trying to promote.
Big John the Tindink early on dramatized the game of deceit at one weasel factory I worked.
In the effort to hide his backstabbing and defrauding his co-workers he would say :
“Old Bob is as Smart as a Fox.
Old Bob the Original “First Ever” National Manager. You might say he was
” the Godfather ” of the “I Lied for You “
Good Old Boy’s Club in the environmental chamber industry.
So, lets take a look at his Character and the business methods he employed.
welll maybe not 2 day… but remember U…2… can be a whore

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

thermotron liars and thieves Breaking Bad - management training

yes start at thermotron

yes at thermotron -- the corpor culture is gee every one is currupt--

at thermotron the "minumen you were to embezzle was 10,000 to 15,000 per year

this was with thomas bannach-- Gregory V Johnson -- tom bannach's pet thief-- would either drive to the branch office -- to make an appearence -- and then drive home-- or he would call in to the branch office  and "lie" and tell the secretary that he was going to a job "example -- ramtek" but then just stay at home-- and charge the hours to the job under warrenty--

When thomas Bannach would try to locate him on his "BEEPER" he would lie and say that it didn't go off--

this went on for 3 years -- and thomas Bannach durmmed out all the co workers who exposed this robbery thief and embezzlement--

Gee don't you want to go into management??

yes thomas Bannach a holland michigan church going pervert and Queer, who bragged that everyone

would believe his lies--

Thieves & Liars, Carlsbad, CA. 358 likes ... Photo: Hell or Highwater on Carson Daly! Like · Comment · Share. Recent Posts by Others on Thieves & LiarsSee All .

Field Service Training.. at thermotron, Russles technical products.. and others


Field Service Training.. at thermotron, Russles technical products.. and others

The management team at the major manufactors.. would tell the
employee's that the "Field Service Factory training was " "Really in
the field"

after you fix something a few time... maybe you will remember it long enough to show your co-worker what you did !!

watch out thou... he is a back--stabber !!!

Ck out All Temp engineering... they got their "FIELD SERVICE TRAINING"

the OLD--FASHON-- WAY.. by trial and error !!!

But don't tell the customer that U just hired on.. it will confuse them !!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

all temp engineering.... Training to succeed

ANY... way... mitch and john.. were to 1st service employee's

of All Temp Engineering..

all thou .. i was told Bruse Butler followed them there.. from ENSECO but john cut him loose 2 soon..

and Marty Rich said.. Bruce almost lost his house.. because .. he had 2 find another job.. booo whooo... big tear's

now Thomas bannach ... replaced mitch Kerr with Gregory V Johnson

Tom Bannach’s Experience


Bannach Consulting & Service

(Photography industry)

January 2000 — Present (9 years 9 months)

Bannach Consulting & Service specializes in:

• 2D and 3D mechanical, electrical, HVAC drafting and design services for the manufacturing industry

• Consulting services for general CAD drafting and design projects, CAD standards creation and CAD conversions

Service manager

Thermotron Industries

(Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry)

1968 — 1998 (30 years

mitch kerr.. replacement (gregory v johnson) was hired by ENSECO

after receiving training by Thomas Bannach and Thermotron..


Randy Bunn fired Gregory V Johnson , who was Thomas Bannach's pet

.. FOR BEING A THIEF.. AN EMBEZZLER.. with in 5 months..

they had to go to Gregory's house on the weekend .. to fire him because they could never find him on the job..

Well the Office staff in the SanJose.. told Thomas Bannach this... but
it did not Roger Cannary or Daniel J okeefe the CEO and

the Funny part is Dave Waterfield said.. Gregory V johnson's office "stood out like a SORE THUMB" with high expenses..

because thomas Bannach as the west Coast manager and Deanb tripp.. as his flunky whore.. were in on the Game..

Fred Plont.. said people who R not stealing or embezzling.. are playing a "higher level game"!!

Gregory V was

UNder Thomas Bannach's wing.. for 3 years...

he was able to steal and rob his co-workers and the customer.. on the average of $20,00 / year..

now this is in line with ...

Fred Plont ..

who said he didn't have to work at ENSECO and make the BIG UNION WAGE.. because .. he only worked a few hours a day..

and charged THermotron... 8,10,12 hours..

one GOOD EXAMPLE.. of this was .. when Hil Sysbesma, and Fred Plont were installing a system in Plebo COLO..

they only worked 10 hours on day .. and charged their time at 18 hours a day..

and they taught their co-workers.. that it was OK to falsy their time.. on the job.. or travel time...

DEAN TRIPP an old time Senior Field service engineer.. was another
who.. taught that you should "GO heavy " on your travel time and your
work hours"

and the customer "DESERVES A FREE LUNCH"

aNY WAY.. Mitch kerr and John Dane.. were taught .. by these thieves and perverts..

so they do know the difference..

Gregory V Johnson.. bragged how he and Thomas Bannach drummed out their co-workers..

ask gregory v johnson about the embezzlement rate... he bragged that he was not as big of thief as hil sysybesma..


Carmichael, CA

Citrus Heights, CA




at THERMOTRON it dosen't matter what lies you say about any one.. or
what u steal.. because you say what ever you have to say.. and do what
ever u have to do!!

and you are supposted to tell the management at thermotron what ever
they want to hear .. it dosen't matter if it is true or not !!

and you are supposted to "convince" the customer to sign off on the equipment..

it dosen't matter if it works or NOT !

Field Service Training.. at thermotron, Russles technical products.. and others


Field Service Training.. at thermotron, Russles technical products.. and others

The management team at the major manufactors.. would tell the
employee's that the "Field Service Factory training was " "Really in
the field"

after you fix something a few time... maybe you will remember it long enough to show your co-worker what you did !!

watch out thou... he is a back--stabber !!!

Ck out All Temp engineering... they got their "FIELD SERVICE TRAINING"

the OLD--FASHON-- WAY.. by trial and error !!!

But don't tell the customer that U just hired on.. it will confuse them !!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

all temp engineering.... Training to succeed

ANY... way... mitch and john.. were to 1st service employee's

of All Temp Engineering..

all thou .. i was told Bruse Butler followed them there.. from ENSECO but john cut him loose 2 soon..

and Marty Rich said.. Bruce almost lost his house.. because .. he had 2 find another job.. booo whooo... big tear's

now Thomas bannach ... replaced mitch Kerr with Gregory V Johnson

Tom Bannach’s Experience


Bannach Consulting & Service

(Photography industry)

January 2000 — Present (9 years 9 months)

Bannach Consulting & Service specializes in:

• 2D and 3D mechanical, electrical, HVAC drafting and design services for the manufacturing industry

• Consulting services for general CAD drafting and design projects, CAD standards creation and CAD conversions

Service manager

Thermotron Industries

(Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry)

1968 — 1998 (30 years

mitch kerr.. replacement (gregory v johnson) was hired by ENSECO

after receiving training by Thomas Bannach and Thermotron..


Randy Bunn fired Gregory V Johnson , who was Thomas Bannach's pet

.. FOR BEING A THIEF.. AN EMBEZZLER.. with in 5 months..

they had to go to Gregory's house on the weekend .. to fire him because they could never find him on the job..

Well the Office staff in the SanJose.. told Thomas Bannach this... but
it did not Roger Cannary or Daniel J okeefe the CEO and

the Funny part is Dave Waterfield said.. Gregory V johnson's office "stood out like a SORE THUMB" with high expenses..

because thomas Bannach as the west Coast manager and Deanb tripp.. as his flunky whore.. were in on the Game..

Fred Plont.. said people who R not stealing or embezzling.. are playing a "higher level game"!!

Gregory V was

UNder Thomas Bannach's wing.. for 3 years...

he was able to steal and rob his co-workers and the customer.. on the average of $20,00 / year..

now this is in line with ...

Fred Plont ..

who said he didn't have to work at ENSECO and make the BIG UNION WAGE.. because .. he only worked a few hours a day..

and charged THermotron... 8,10,12 hours..

one GOOD EXAMPLE.. of this was .. when Hil Sysbesma, and Fred Plont were installing a system in Plebo COLO..

they only worked 10 hours on day .. and charged their time at 18 hours a day..

and they taught their co-workers.. that it was OK to falsy their time.. on the job.. or travel time...

DEAN TRIPP an old time Senior Field service engineer.. was another
who.. taught that you should "GO heavy " on your travel time and your
work hours"

and the customer "DESERVES A FREE LUNCH"

aNY WAY.. Mitch kerr and John Dane.. were taught .. by these thieves and perverts..

so they do know the difference..

Gregory V Johnson.. bragged how he and Thomas Bannach drummed out their co-workers..

ask gregory v johnson about the embezzlement rate... he bragged that he was not as big of thief as hil sysybesma..


Carmichael, CA

Citrus Heights, CA




at THERMOTRON it dosen't matter what lies you say about any one.. or
what u steal.. because you say what ever you have to say.. and do what
ever u have to do!!

and you are supposted to tell the management at thermotron what ever
they want to hear .. it dosen't matter if it is true or not !!

and you are supposted to "convince" the customer to sign off on the equipment..

it dosen't matter if it works or NOT !